Tending to your garden this winter

Winter is filled with all things cozy and indoors -from sitting by the fire under a plush blanket with a hot drink between your cold hands, to cooking scrumptious stews for the family to enjoy together. All the while it seems that your garden sleeps, until it reaches it's prime again in the Spring and Summer seasons. Although most of your plants are enjoying their hibernation phase, it is very important to tend to your garden during winter. Think of winter as the preparation season. It is the perfect time to nurture your plants and maintain your garden - this will ensure that it is prepared for the spring season approaching.



1. Remove fallen leaves and debris


It is not just the temperature dropping this time of the year. As leaves fall and cover your lawn and plant beddings, removing these leaves is one of the key garden maintenance activities during the winter season. The longer fallen eaves are left, the higher their chances are of turning into a breeding ground for pests and possible diseases. These fallen leaves can also suffocate your lawn and your plants. By simply raking up and removing these leaves not only will you prevent your plants and lawn from getting sick, but you will also keep your garden tidy.



2. Aerate the soil


Aerating the soil includes making small openings in the ground / soil to ensure that air, water and nutrients can filtrate throughout and deeper into the soil. The process loosens compacted dirt, promotes root growth, and contributes to the vitality of plants, making it essential for maintaining a thriving garden. Luckily the process of aeration is quite simple and one is able to do it comfortably at home with minimal to no help. There are tools dedicated to aerating soil, but if you have a garden fork you are good to go. Press down on the fork to make holes in the soil or in the grass, followed by rocking the fork to expand the holes ever so slightly. Continue this process by moving a few centimeters and repeat until the entire bedding or lawn has been completed.



3. Spring preparation


Winter is the perfect time to consider your spring blooms and to prepare your garden for the coming seasons during the winter.  Raking your garden can help with loosening the soil, facilitating the addition of fertilizer (which is essential) and any soil amendments. Raking will also help in clearing away any weed or debris that could hinder any plant growth. The added soil amendments and fertilizer, will assist in improving the soils' structure and provide extra nutrients for your plants.



4. Maintain your lawn


During the winter months, even though your lawn might enter a dormant state, it's essential to continue caring for it. Regular maintenance not only keeps your lawn tidy but also prevents disease and pests from establishing themselves. One effective way winter lawn care practice is raking. Mowing your lawn is also quite beneficial throughout the winter months. Mowing prevents your grass from growing excessively long, which could result in it smothering itself. However, remember to remain cautious while mowing the lawn and ensure that one does not mow the lawn too short, because this can cause harm to the roots and lead to deterioration.

Tending to your garden during winter will differ to how you tend to it during summer. Your garden needs a tender and nurturing hand during winter, which will help prepare it for the coming spring season.

24 Jun 2024
Author RED Properties
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